Hi, I’m Chris.
I grew up in a small town called Ozark, Missouri, spending most of my days hooked up to a breathing machine and watching films. My asthma was quite severe when I was younger. Film offered me a chance to escape my troubles and see what the world was like. There was something about watching movies that gave me great comfort. It's a part of myself that followed me into adulthood and that I'd like nothing to do more than share with others.
From my first film experience at the local single-screen theater to my most beloved job as a 35mm projectionist, I knew that my life would be dedicated to filmmaking and telling stories. My journey hasn't been the easiest, but I’m always thankful for where I’m at.
When I moved from the Ozarks to San Francisco, CA, I packed up one tiny suitcase and jumped on a Greyhound bus to start my college education. I lived in several different places in San Francisco; a mixture of living rooms, friends' houses, residential hotels, and eventually my own home. I worked full-time while going to school and constantly struggled with finances. Despite any difficulties, my involvement and passion for film only increased. My job at the theater allowed me to be familiar with and study film. My schooling allowed me to learn the craft and implement it into my own work. I may have been eating Ramen Noodles every day for a few years, but I'd be damned if I wasn't going to watch at least four movies a week at the theater.
So, here I am. I've been watching and editing films for almost 20 years. Finished one goal and onto the next. I'm ready to work. As an editor, I like to regard myself as a translator for the screen. I'm ready to help make your vision a story that will inspire and drive others. Just as those initial stories inspired me.